Launch of No Strings Attached E News Magazine

With pleasure we announce the launch of the online magazine

We welcome your feedback, input and of course if you like to contribute and become part of our creative team, please feel free to contact us and will be more than happy to discuss all details with you.

We do not have a deadline and publish as we receive the articles, press releases or requests from reporters.

Please check us out and we are clicking the news, articles and information away.

Editing team

Fran Capo walks the red carpet @IAWTV Awards in Vegas

Fran Capo and John Basedow

Fran Capo on the red carpet @ IAWTV

Fran Capo on the red carpet @ IAWTV

The International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV) is a nonprofit  organization comprised of leaders in the field of web  video, and the digital entertainment industry.

Founded in 2009, the  IAWTV is helping to shape the rapidly evolving digital entertainment industry  while providing a venue for the acknowledgement of artistic and  technological achievement in original entertainment distributed on the  open internet.

IAWTV members include actors, agents, composers, content  developers, directors, editors, producers, technology innovators,  writers, and other industry professionals all of whom joined the  organization based on their passion and dedication to advance the craft  of digital entertainment.